davidlynn.co.uk Live!

My new website that I've been working on is now live! It's got a selection of most of my work and theres more work to be added! 

Take a look...

student website central saint martins csm tracey emin 

A Gateacre Goodbye

A Gateacre Goodbye | Film

This is the result from some filming I did in Gateacre community comprehensive school (my old secondary school). The school is due to be demolished later this year and move to a new site. I wanted to capture some of the original building before it vanished.

Filming & editing- David Lynn
Music- "See U eveywhere" by Avia

Henry VIII

Henry VIII

Forcing a smile

Forcing a smile | illustration collage

The Headscarf

The Headscarf | discussed in Grayson Perry's biography